Návrh národného stanoviska

K návrhom týchto noriem Národný sekretariát ETSI (NS ETSI) eviduje pripomienky.

AP 20240213 Comments on draft ETSI EN 303 797 V2.1.1 (2023-11)

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); ITS-G5 Access layer in the 5 GHz frequency band; Release 2

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)


Clause / Sub-clause

Paragraph Figure / Table

Type of comment (Technical(1) or Non-Technical)


Proposed change

on each comment submitted


4.3.3 Transmitter requirements

The first paragraph,

page 11


The first paragraph in the clause 4.3.3 on the page 11

The maximum RF power for operation with profile 2 with NGV format in 20 MHz channel bonding mode shall not exceed 30 dBm e.i.r.p.

 contain abbreviation


The abbreviation


is not published in clause 3.3 Abbreviations on the page 8.

It is recommended to add abbreviation

RF Radio Frequency

in clause 3.3 Abbreviations on the page 17.



B.2 Access layer data service

The second paragraph,

page 19


The last sentence in the second paragraph of clause B.2 on the page 19


Channel number and transceiver ID support multi-transceiver and multi-channel operation over ITS-G5 radio, whereas the transceiver ID specifies the ITS-G5 device if multiple devices are attached to one N&T layer protocol and logically appear as a single network interface.

contains abbreviation


The abbreviation


is not published in clause 3.3 Abbreviations on the page 8.

It is recommended to add abbreviation

N&T Networking & Transport

in clause 3.3 Abbreviations on the page 8.



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