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Research Institute of Posts and Telecommunications (Výskumný ústav spojov or VÚS in abbreviation) was constituted in Banská Bystrica in 1976 as a branch office of VÚS Prague. In the beginning, the crucial activities of the Institute were focused on solving selected projects in telecommunications, radiocommunications and economy.

In 1981 a subsidiary office focused on postal and statistics issues was established in Žilina.

From 1993 VÚS Banská Bystrica worked as an independent legal entity in form of budget organization with a field office in Žilina.

In 2002 the field office in Žilina was delimited and transformed to the Postal Regulatory Authority. As a state administration body it was carrying out the regulation of postal market until 2013, when it was absorbed into the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services.

Another change of legal form of VÚS occurred in 2004. In that year, the Research Institute of Posts and Telecommunications Banská Bystrica was transformed into a non-profit organization. Its founders have been the Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications (now the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development) and VÚS employees. Currently, the Research Institute of Posts and Telecommunications, n. o. performs the mission of leading research institution in the field of electronic communications and postal services.

In order to better characterize the current state of the technology, besides the official name “VÚS” also the explanatory epithet "Institute of electronic communications" came into use in 2015.